A2 - Organic Raw Milk - One Gallon
Check with farmer for availability!
One gallon fresh, A2/A2 Jersey raw milk available for pickup on the farm from 10:00 am - 7:00 pm. This is a first come first serve opportunity. The milk will be bottled in a one gallon plastic milk jug.
All Orders must be placed at least one day prior to receiving your milk. We do not provide milk orders the same day of payment.
A more popular option is Our One Gallon Subscription , which guarantees that you receive the freshest milk on a weekly basis based on availability. The milk is bottled in 2 half gallon mason jars with food grade plastic lids.
Check with farmer for availability!
One gallon fresh, A2/A2 Jersey raw milk available for pickup on the farm from 10:00 am - 7:00 pm. This is a first come first serve opportunity. The milk will be bottled in a one gallon plastic milk jug.
All Orders must be placed at least one day prior to receiving your milk. We do not provide milk orders the same day of payment.
A more popular option is Our One Gallon Subscription , which guarantees that you receive the freshest milk on a weekly basis based on availability. The milk is bottled in 2 half gallon mason jars with food grade plastic lids.
Check with farmer for availability!
One gallon fresh, A2/A2 Jersey raw milk available for pickup on the farm from 10:00 am - 7:00 pm. This is a first come first serve opportunity. The milk will be bottled in a one gallon plastic milk jug.
All Orders must be placed at least one day prior to receiving your milk. We do not provide milk orders the same day of payment.
A more popular option is Our One Gallon Subscription , which guarantees that you receive the freshest milk on a weekly basis based on availability. The milk is bottled in 2 half gallon mason jars with food grade plastic lids.